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Write for Us

We love working with other authors and people experienced with making money, saving money, working from home, remote jobs, side hustles, side gigs and personal finance.

Please complete this form if you have something you would like to contribute or if you want to work together. We love reciprocating links, articles, etc. Fees may apply.

Content Guidelines

Don't get overwhelmed here, this is more common sense and is easy if you write quality content.

  • Original, not plagiarized, not copied, content in part or full from any other source.
  • Content may be adapted from other forms (presentations, videos, reports, etc.)
  • Titled with headings, primary and secondary keywords (no keyword stuffing)
  • Include heading format (H1, H2, H3 etc.) 
  • Keep your title to ~55 characters or less to make sure it is not truncated. 
  • Word count is between 750 or great unless otherwise stated
  • Include high quality images and or videos. Images or video should be under creative common license and also provide image source where necessary.
  • Use the same target keyword in the alt text of images.
  • Prior to submitting your article check it for spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • By submitting your guest post to us you allow us to own the copyright and we reserve the right to make edits and adjustments as we see fit.
  • Use bullets points, number lists, sub-headlines, and quotes to make the content easy to read.
  • Minimum of 1 internal link
  • Maximum of 1 internal link every 1000 words

Submit your content.

Thank you.